Hot Water Beach

Hot water beach is a very popular stop in New Zealand. You can dig a “hot pool” in the sand because of the natural springs. The water can be up to 64 degrees celsius and you can dig a big hole and relax in the natural thermal water. It was amazing! Well we didn’t have any spades, because we were lazy. So we just sat in a pool someone else had made. #lazygirls.

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Chilling in the pool. After a while the water turned a bit cool when it started to get dark. So we borrowed a spade and started digging. That helped. We also went in the water and bathed in the sea after sitting here a little. Then we came back and warmed up again. Perfect day!


This is another “must-see” in New Zealand. Definitely wanna go back here, so relaxing. New Zealand actually have plenty of natural hot springs, but this is really famous. Both Kiwi Experience and Stray stop here.

The waves and currents in the ocean are strong! We got pushed under water several times even though we were standing in the water. When it was dark there was a guy going around telling people to be careful and not go out unless with a big group. Apparently the currents where strong enough to take you all the way to Australia.